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Introducing UrbanFarm Africa’s Hydro Coop: Quick facts

  • High Yield: Produces 1400 chickens and 3000 vegetables annually.
  • Diverse Crops: Supports over 80 vegetable variants.
  • Profitable: Generates R12,000/635USD income in 6 weeks.
  • Consistent Income: Potential monthly earnings of R8000/423USD or more.
  • Tax Incentive: 125% Section 12B tax incentive for investors.
  • Eco-Friendly: Powered entirely by solar energy.
  • Water-Efficient: Saves 85% of water usage.
  • Drought & Flood-Resistant: Ideal for regions facing drought and flooding.
  • Adaptable: Suitable for various climates year-round.
  • Versatile Livestock: Supports broiler chickens for meat or layer chickens for eggs.
  • Space-Efficient: Occupies just 16 square meters.
  • Quick Setup: Assembles in only 90 minutes.
  • Convenient: Features an electronic device charging station.
  • Durable: 100% waterproof design.
  • All-In-One Solution: No need for additional breeding, hatching, and rearing.
  • Innovative Farming: Combines natural techniques with advanced planting systems.
  • Protective: Includes shade net cover for plants.
  • Versatile Grow Bags: Comes with 6 additional root vegetable grow bags.
  • Inclusive Operation: Can be operated by women, youth, and people with disabilities.
  • Educational: Comprehensive training provided.
  • Portable: Compact and easily relocatable.
  • Guaranteed Buy-Back: UrbanFarm Africa offers a Buy-Back Guarantee.
  • Job Creation: Creates jobs in farming, maintenance, sales, and management.
  • Waste Reduction: Minimizes food waste.
  • Entrepreneurship Support: Encourages entrepreneurship.
  • Youth Engagement: Involves youth in agriculture.
  • Gender Equality: Provides equal opportunities for women.
  • Community Resilience: Strengthens resilience against food shortages.
  • Sustainable Practices: Helps mitigate climate change.
  • Healthy Produce: Supplies fresh, chemical-free produce.
  • Economic Boost: Connects local farmers with consumers.
  • Global Applicability: Versatile and implementable worldwide.

Why Invest in the Hydro Coop?

UrbanFarm Africa’s Hydro Coop is a sustainable agriculture solution for Africa. Here’s why it’s a smart investment:


Impactful Investment:
Supports sustainable agriculture, providing fresh produce and job creation.


Scalable & Replicable:
Fits both urban and rural settings, adaptable to various community needs.


Economic Empowerment:
Boosts local economies, offering financial stability and growth for farmers.


Environmental Sustainability:
Solar-powered and water-efficient, promoting eco-friendly practices.


Community Development:
Tackles food shortages and fosters resilience, benefiting women and youth.

Supporting Facts :

Invest in the Hydro Coop today and help revolutionize agriculture, ensuring food security and resilient communities.


Water Efficiency:
Solar irrigation meets over a third of small-scale farm water needs (ScienceDaily, IIASA).


Climate Resilience:
Hydroponics reduce water usage by up to 85% (MDPI).


Economic Impact:
Solar innovations boost incomes by increasing crop yields (IWMI, World Bank).


Job Creation:
Promotes job opportunities and entrepreneurship in agriculture (UNEP, World Bank).


Food Security:
Ensures a consistent supply of fresh produce in challenging environments (World Bank, IWMI).

Our Training Guide

Learn more about our training program by downloading out Training Manual below:

Introduction to Hydroponics

Our Introduction to Hydroponics program is designed to provide a comprehensive foundation in hydroponic farming. This course covers:


  • Fundamentals of Hydroponic Farming:
  • Benefits, Systems, and Growing Mediums:
  • Fertilizers and Nutrient Solutions:
  • Monitoring pH and EC Levels:
  • Structure, Equipment, and Pest Management:
  • Health and Safety Practices


Impact: This program empowers individuals with the knowledge to set up and manage efficient hydroponic farms, promoting sustainable agriculture and increasing food production efficiency.

Introduction to Small Poultry Farmers

Our Introduction to Small Poultry Farmers program provides essential knowledge for those interested in small-scale poultry farming. The course includes:


  • Basics of Small-Scale Poultry Farming
  • Broiler Production and Coop Management
  • Brooding Lifecycle and Biosecurity
  • Business Aspects and Financial Planning
  • Disease Prevention and Management


Impact: This program aims to increase the success rate of small poultry farmers by providing them with the necessary skills and knowledge, thus contributing to food security and economic development in their communities.

Introduction to Small Farm Management

Our Introduction to Small Farm Management course covers the essential principles of managing a small farm effectively. Key topics include:


  • Principles of Effective Small Farm Management
  • Farm Planning, Resource, and Labor Management
  • Financial Management and Cost Control
  • Day-to-Day Operations and Maintenance
  • Sustainable Farming Practices
  • Marketing and Sales Strategies


Impact: This course equips small farm managers with the skills to run their operations more efficiently, leading to increased productivity and profitability while promoting sustainable agricultural practices.

Introduction to Sales, Marketing, and Entrepreneurship

Our Introduction to Sales, Marketing, and Entrepreneurship program is designed to help agricultural businesses thrive by enhancing their sales and marketing skills. The course covers:


  • Fundamentals of Promoting and Selling Agricultural Products
  • Sales Techniques and Marketing Fundamentals
  • Digital Marketing Strategies
  • Business Planning and Growth Management
  • Advanced Sales Techniques
  • Branding and Marketing Communication


Impact: This program helps agricultural entrepreneurs and businesses increase their market presence, improve sales, and achieve sustainable growth by leveraging modern marketing and sales strategies.

Hydro Coop User Guide

View our Hydro Coop User Guide


Hydro Coop Social and Economic impact – Examples ZAR & USD


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